Art is more powerful than our Plan for it
Steph Schaub “Osteopathy”
In this highly nourishing conversation Steph is talking about Osteopathy, how the body stores trauma, creates holding patterns and investigations on how to better deal with the stresses of modern life.
“Chronic Fatigue”
The journey of inquiring about workaholism, restlessness, emotional holding patterns and how to access the nervous system to flip the switch.
“Andrea Haywood-Farmer - Regenerative Agriculture”
In this episode Andrea talks about regenerative agriculture, wildfires, friendship and the amazing sense of belonging real connection brings about.
“The Freeze Response”
"tonic immobility" not being able to get out of your head has not much to do with laziness, it is a trauma response. A place our body goes to for safety.
“Kim Naqvi -Consumerism”
This is an in depth discussion on what makes our economic world turn. "Consumption is an expression of our relationships with each other and the natural world" Kim Naqvi, Professor of Geography at Thompson River University, shares her insight on everyday activism, the reality that we are servants of our economy and the fact that consuming is the very thing that brings us together.
“Brody White -The Chop N Block”
This episode is a special insight into Brody's life from his early start in fine dining, to michelin star cookery, the bocuse d'or and to today's entrepreneurism.
If you haven't alread appreciated what goes on in this magic little shop in our town, you'll most definitely do so after listening to this
“Leeza Clough - The Social Pressures of Drinking”
A conversation on how alcohol and the culture of drinking deelply influences our lives. Our need for beloning and "fitting in" early in our adolecent years shape patterns of behaviour that ultimately do not serve us later in life.
Are you holding your breath when you write a text message or email? "email apnea", snoring, anxiety and ADHD are all related to how we breathe. The purpose of this episode is to bring more awareness to the thing we do all day long, we breathe, and most of us, do so incorrectly without even knowing.
“Reward Behaviour”
This episode is about "dopamine" the reward processing neurotransmitter balancing our pain/pleasure center. With rates on depression sky rocketing since the 1990's, taking a good look at ones dopamine "bank account" and where we deplete our "savings" is an interesting exercise. This subject is about awareness and radical self honesty.
“Chris Throssell - Sobriety”
This episode is a close up look on coping behaviour, the need to belong, fit in and the path of how bad addiction can get. Chris raw and vulnerable story of addiction, retox, rehab and recovery via the 12 steps has been a humbling journery. It inspires a good look at ones habit structure, the motivation to practice
“Eva Licata - Textiles”
An educational conversation about sustainable fashion and what it is not. How companies "green wash" a sustainable image. How to build better textile habits, delaying gratification instead of impulse buying. Why donating your clothes is not necessarily the best option and where garments go if our thrift stores do not re sell them.
What motivates us, to do anything? I was pondering this question for a number of weeks. This, the last episode of season one wraps up a collection of thoughts on purpose, meaning and boundaries. The ability to say no to things, people and behaviours that no longer serve us. The external pressures of life and how struggle can be a very important motivator.
Boudaries are the bridge between our relational, external and interal world. Learning how to navigate the triggers of a boundary being crossed, being assertive instead of reactive. The power of choice and the liberated feeling of knowing when to stand up for your well being is an important skill to practice.
“Tristan Cavers - Golden Ears Farm”
Tristan Cavers wears many hats, as an organic farmer, jiu jitssu instructor, political activist, volunteer firefighter, ski patroller and family man. The story of how Golden Ears Farm came about, the successes, failures and challenges of farming organic vegetables. The history of the farm, the family and the evolution to their current CSA box program.
“The London Creative”
Hold your horses everyone, this episode is real girltalk. Taylor & Brooklyn started "The London", an intimate eventspace, cafe, apothecary and tea room a couple years ago. In this epic conversation with these two bad ass women, we cover live music events, mocktails, the gift of expressing your anger, boundaries, motherhood, vaginal issues, coops, art, creativity, the challenge of small business and somatic work.
“Cindy Levington - Suede Hills”
Cindy and I are neighbors and close friends. I always call her one of my most "eccentric" friends because Cindy lives and breaths spirituality. Cindy is on the path of enlightenment, the healing of the planet and genuinly loves and cares about all beings in this universe.
“Steve VanHassel - Ikigai”
Steve gives us insight into the beginning of Ikigai Farms. Words of wisdom from his life experiences, his mentors and the difference between surviving or thriving as a farmer.
The challenges and experiments of learning each year, the art of seed saving and the culture of being part of the Farmers Market community.
"There is not happiness if it can't be shared" were his words after his return from a five year hiatus to South America. And MAN are we lucky to have Steve grow veggies for us.